Kissena Park Field 5

Description: Field 5 is located on the Northeast corner of Kissena Blvd. and Booth Memorial Ave, Field 5 is a well used and highly visible Kissena Park softball field. Street parking is generally available when playing at this field. Field 5 is located within walking distance from Quenns College and nearby stores on Kissena Blvd. Restrooms are located at the Kissena Corridor Park across the street. The infield is well maintained, the outfield grass is very natural. There are two other clusters of
Kissena Park Ball fields located some distance from field 5. Search Kissena Park Fields 1,2,3 and 4 or Kissena Park Fields 6,7,8 and 9 for additional information.

Address: 154-02 Booth Memorial Ave Flushing, New York 11355
(Note: This is an approximate nearby address.)

This field is in the park: Kissena Park
Booth Memorial Ave between Kissena Blvd and 164th Street Flushing, New York 11358

Field Type: Grass

Sports Played: Softball

FieldFinder Amenities Rating: 1 stars out of 5

FieldFinder creates its star rating based upon the presence or absence of the amenities enumerated below.

Total for this field is based upon...

Bathrooms: Yes
Concessions: No
Field Maintenance: No
Covered Dugouts: No
Little League Regulation: No
Night Games: No
Parking: No
Playground: Yes
Seating: No
Tournaments: No


Address: 154-02 Booth Memorial Ave Flushing, New York  11355

Kissena Park field 5 view from corner of Booth Memorial and Kissena Blvd.
Kissena Park field 5 view from corner of Booth Memorial and Kissena Blvd.
  • Kissena Park field 5 view from corner of Booth Memorial and Kissena Blvd.
  • Kissena Park Field 5. Left field view from Kissena Blvd.
  • Field 5 view from Booth Memorial Ave.
  • Right field view. Dugout area.
  • Field 5. View from home plate.
  • Kissena Park Field Map

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