Howard Park

Description: Howard Park has a single well maintained softball field. Parking is available next to the field. The field has lights for night games, playgrounds and sun shelters. Howard park also has tennis and basketball courts. The softball outfield is also used as a multipurpose field.

Address: 1302 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Field Type: Grass

Sports Played: Soccer Softball

FieldFinder Amenities Rating: 3 stars out of 5

FieldFinder creates its star rating based upon the presence or absence of the amenities enumerated below.

Total for this field is based upon...

Bathrooms: Yes
Concessions: No
Field Maintenance: Yes
Covered Dugouts: No
Little League Regulation: No
Night Games: Yes
Parking: Yes
Playground: Yes
Seating: Yes
Tournaments: No


Address: 1302 Parker Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida  33401

Howard Park Softball field Satellite view.
Howard Park Softball field Satellite view.
  • Howard Park Softball field Satellite view.

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