Crestwood Park Fields

Description: Crestwood Park Fields are separated by W. Crescent Ave. The W. Allendale Avenue Fields are located at the intersection of W.Crescent and W. Allendale Avenues. Crestwood Park Fields are located in the park and accessible from Klomburg Drive. For fields inside the park use 360 W Crescent Avenue, Allendale NJ 07401

Address: 270 W. Allendale Ave Allendale, New Jersey 07401
(Note: This is an approximate nearby address.)

This field is in the park: Crestwood Park
Allendale , New Jersey

Field Type: Grass

Sports Played: Baseball Football Lacrosse Soccer Softball

FieldFinder Amenities Rating: 3 stars out of 5

FieldFinder creates its star rating based upon the presence or absence of the amenities enumerated below.

Total for this field is based upon...

Bathrooms: Yes
Concessions: No
Field Maintenance: Yes
Covered Dugouts: No
Little League Regulation: Yes
Night Games: No
Parking: Yes
Playground: No
Seating: Yes
Tournaments: Yes


Address: 270 W. Allendale Ave Allendale, New Jersey  07401

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